Deuterium-labeled compounds are widely used as research tools in chemistry. Their importance lies in a number of applications, such as:
• proving reaction mechanisms
• investigation of a compound’s pharmacokinetic properties
• internal standards in mass spectrometry
• compound structure determination in NMR spectroscopy.
Conventional techniques for the synthesis of deuterated compounds utilize D2 gas as a deuterium source. However, there are drawbacks to utilizing deuterium gas on a laboratory scale, such as the handling of the gas itself. Other methods have been employed to overcome this difficulty such as catalytic H–D exchange reactions between H2 and D2O. However, these methods are time consuming and do not produce high purity D2 and they also require high pressure, the use of a special catalyst, or an excess amount of a strong base or acid1.
The H-Cube® continuous flow system is capable of generating deuterium gas from the electrolysis of D2O, which is readily available in 99.98% purity and is easy to handle.
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